We've been collaborating with our partners to provide Cloud Infrastructure Services, Backup, Disaster Recovery, and Business Continuity solutions to our customers since our inception.
IT support companies, telecommunications companies, software manufacturers, and consulting firms are among our partners. What these businesses have in common is a desire to provide the highest level of IT resilience to their customers.
There is a plethora of data security technologies to offer your customers. Many businesses face the same issues, from converged solution architectures to low-cost software. Although the cost of deploying these environments is low, the cost of managing and maintaining them quickly becomes a burden.
You can offer specialized services with no investment in software, hardware, engineering, training, project management, or development by partnering with RNG Technology. We will either support customers directly or work directly with your team in this regard, depending on the nature of your relationship with the customer.
RNG Technology works hard to create a welcoming environment for our business partners. **Training, sales and marketing tools, technical support, as well as co-funded marketing, promotion, and lead generation** are some of the services we provide.
To begin with, RNG Technology is a dependable and up-to-date certificated company; business partners have been successfully using it to enter new markets for years. To increase revenue, lower sales costs, and increase conversion rates, every partner can benefit from our expertise, support, and unrivaled services.
Send an email to info@rng.tech or call +90 850 305 29 00 for more information.